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New global collaboration

July 2021: Quaybridge and bp will work together to advance bp’s global offshore wind portfolio as part of its zero-carbon growth strategy, and accelerate the building of in-house offshore wind knowledge for bp.


As part of the new agreement, members of the Quaybridge team will work closely with bp’s renewables growth business development team. Quaybridge worked with the bp and EnBW teams and successfully won ‘preferred bidder’ status for the Mona and Morgan Irish Sea leases in the recent UK Round 4 leasing round.


David Anderson, bp’s SVP renewables growth, said: “Investing in the right skills is critical to success. Quaybridge is trusted and respected in the offshore wind industry for their deep technical expertise and their entrepreneurial and agile spirit.  We believe this partnership will give us a cutting edge in a hugely competitive industry as we look to accelerate our global portfolio and deliver our ambition to be a leader in offshore wind energy.”

Team director for Quaybridge Colin Morgan commented: “It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to support bp under this new agreement. The whole team is really excited at the prospect of continuing to deliver success in offshore wind development with such a capable and ambitious partner as bp.”

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