Quaybridge explores opportunities for collaboration with the fishing industry
At Quaybridge, we are looking to inform and influence best practice in the Scottish offshore wind industry by learning form the past and being ready for the future. This work includes engaging with communities and interests which may be affected by the expansion of wind energy in Scottish waters, such as the fishing industry.
On the 7th November 2019, with the support of ORE Catapult Floating Wind Centre of Excellence, Quaybridge convened and facilitated a breakthrough workshop on this topic. The session brought together stakeholders from the offshore wind sector, Scottish Fisherman’s Federation, MCA and Marine Scotland to consider the challenges and opportunities for the co-existence of floating offshore wind and the fishing communities of Scotland. Discussions were constructive and set a path for ongoing collaboration between stakeholders. A further workshop with wider participation is planned for early 2020, in order to define challenges in more detail and develop a joint action plan.
Strategy Manager for Quaybridge, Zoe Barnes, comments “The Scottish wind industry needs to fully explore all opportunities which have the potential to enable co-existence of the wind and fishing industries. Floating wind technology presents a different set of challenges in terms of potential impact on commercial fishing activities when compared to fixed offshore wind. With the ScotWind leasing competition due to launch shortly, Quaybridge is committed to bringing key stakeholders together to plot a course to deliver effective co-existence.”